Last Saturday, the flagship project of the BVB Foundation “leuchte auf” celebrated the official start of the season on a brand-new artificial turf pitch…
Spanning more than 20 years and thousands of games, the “Nordstadtliga” street football league in the north of Dortmund had its home on the cinder pitch on Burgholzstraße. Last Saturday, the flagship project of the BVB Foundation “leuchte auf” celebrated the official start of the season on a brand-new artificial turf pitch with over 350 children and young people involved.
Hannah Rosenbaum, inner city north district mayor, and Mirza Demirovic, project manager and coordinator of the Nordstadtliga, gave speeches to welcome all those involved, while a musical accompaniment by DJ Marshall Artz and a visit by BVB mascot EMMA rounded off the successful kick-off event. The old pitch had been given a proper send-off with a small tournament on 19 March this year. The new artificial turf pitch was recently completed. In the meantime, there have been various mobile events, including on the Fan Project’s Streetkick pitch. There has also been plenty of regular action at the Dietrich-Keuning-Haus and the Nordmarkt.
With the opening of the new artificial turf pitch, normal league operations can begin again. The children and young adults can play their Nordstadtliga games against opposition of the same age. The age groups play on different days as follows:
- U12s: Wednesdays from 15:30 CET
- U14s: Fridays from 15:30 CET
- U16s: Thursdays from 17:00 CET
- Over 16s: Saturdays from 15:30 CET
Location: Artificial turf pitch at the Treffpunkt Konkret meeting point at Burgholzstraße 150, 44145 Dortmund
The Nordstadtliga is a street football league in the north of Dortmund that runs throughout the whole year. It has been running since 2001 and is run by the Dortmund Youth Welfare Office, AWO Streetwork as well as Stadtteil-Schule Dortmund e.V., with the help of schools and social institutions in the north of Dortmund. Since late-2020, the Nordstadtliga has been one of the flagship projects of the BVB Foundation “leuchte auf” and is also supported by the Fan Project Dortmund, the BVB Learning Centre and the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences.
The Nordstadtliga actively supports children and young people from different ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds and integrates them into social structures through sport. In addition to conveying values, it aims to offer children and young people a great leisure activity that contributes to physical training and thus to general health.
For more information about the Nordstadtliga, click here.
For all you need to know about “leuchte auf”, click here.