
fairafric-chocolate for a green pitch

Borussia Dortmund and fairafric have teamed up to launch the BVB fan chocolate.

Borussia Dortmund and fairafric have teamed up to launch the BVB fan chocolate. 10 percent of the revenue will be invested in the renovation of a football pitch in Amanase in Ghana, where the chocolate is produced.

A football pitch in Ghana, easily recognisable by the makeshift goals at each end : to call this patch a football pitch is actually an exaggeration. It is uneven, the brown earth is seeping through the grass in many places. The goalposts have no nets. It’s no fun to play football here. And it’s unfair, too.

The old pitch needs attention, because the children in Amanase want to play football. It should become an intact and lively heart of the village again and be used by the 500 pupils from nine schools in the area. To raise enough money to repair the pitch, Borussia Dortmund and the chocolate factory fairafric, which is located in Amanase, just three kilometres away from the pitch, joined forces last year and launched a line of chocolate bars in the familiar Black & Yellow colours. They are available in chocolate (43%) with milk and hazelnut and vegan dark chocolate (70%) with tiger nut and almond (all available in the BVB shop). With each bar, chocolate buyers support the repair of the football pitch in Ghana.

For fairafric, the focus is on shifting value creation to the country of origin of the raw cocoa. Ten percent of Ghana’s gross domestic product is generated by the cocoa industry. About 800,000 households in the country are dependent on income from cocoa. At present, 70 percent of the world’s cocoa comes from West Africa, but less than one percent of the world’s chocolate is produced there. fairafric keep the entire manufacturing process in the country. The factory in Amanase is located close to the cocoa farms in Ghana’s Central Region. fairafric not only sources the cocoa in Africa, but also produces the chocolate in Ghana, from the bean to the packaged bar.

“The collaboration with fairafric is a labour of love for BVB. It is important to us to draw attention to this unique concept in the chocolate industry of ensuring that all production remains in the country where the raw material is sourced,” says Kerstin Zerbe, managing director of BVB Merchandising GmbH, about the partnership. With local production, a sustainable and holistic change is set in motion that strengthens the local economy, ensures fair incomes for families and promotes the development of local infrastructure.

This includes the restoration of a competition- and training-ready football pitch in Amanase, where local children can play. Thanks to the first donations collected, the ground has already been levelled. Grass is not yet growing, the brick-red subsoil is omnipresent and there is still a long way to go until completion. Therefore, all support counts to enable the children to play football on an impeccable pitch in the future.

Further information

– Varieties: Chocolate (43%) with milk and hazelnut as well as vegan dark chocolate (70%) with tiger nut and almond.
– Available in the fairafric online shop, in the BVB online shop as well as in BVB fan shops and in selected organic supermarkets in Dortmund and the surrounding area.
– The bars are available for €2.69 each, ten percent of which will be donated to the restoration of a football pitch in Ghana.

Text: Christina Reinke

fairafric chocolate in the BVB-Onlineshop.

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