Energy, climate, resources.
"14.3 GWh is how much electricity we used at SIGNAL IDUNA PARK (SIP) last year. There's room for improvement, and we want to unlock that potential," says André Neuhaus, one of BVB's commercial facility managers. The new, highly efficient, state-of-the-art, directional LED flood lights will improve the viewing experience both in the stadium and at home. "Faded images are a thing of the past, BVB isn't."
Much is being done to raise awareness about sustainability at the stadium. "I don't need a lecture with every bratwurst. But I think it's good if waste is properly sorted. For example, this season be began separating plastic cups from cardboard packaging," says Merlin Zepter, head of public catering at SIP.
No easy task, as BVB found out with its reusable cups. Aside from environmental aspects, safety and hygiene considerations also have to be taken into account. By introducing the new reusable cups we have cut down on waste.
We are currently conducting a study of the material flows at the stadium, i.e., what is brought to the stadium, what items does BVB provide in the stadium, what is disposed of and how, and what can be improved? We will take further action on the basis of the study's findings. "That means re-thinking and re-organising in a very confined space. We're constantly making changes so that we can improve," say Zepter and Neuhaus.