Speed, flexibility and trust
"I've been an HR manager for 10 years now. I joined BVB in January 2020. Barely six weeks into the job and nothing was as it had once been." As an HR manager, Anca Rosca's work revolves around employment agreements, letters of recommendation, onboarding and offboarding employees, interviewing employees and advising management. "The speed and flexibility demonstrated by the entire BVB team during such a dramatic crisis was absolutely impressive. From one day to the next the situation had completely changed. Most of us had to work from home. What team can accomplish that?"
At the same time, we were drawing up action plans on how to avoid chains of infection and ensure data protection, reaching agreements with the Works Council, finding flexible solutions for families and – all the while – doing our "normal" jobs. "Trust was front and centre at the beginning of the pandemic. And that's no problem when you have a team that sticks together when the going gets tough. The feeling of safety we had at work spurred us all on."
Certainly, BVB's certain hands-on mentality played an important role as the authorities constantly moved the goalposts.
"Once something is decided, it's done. And I can draft agreements or write memos for the intranet at home just as well as I can in the office. There were times when I had the impression I was more of an editor than an HR manager, that's how often I had to research and update information on the latest coronavirus developments. That was new, but also great! Many of us proved ourselves."
All the same, Anca Rosca went into the office often. "As an HR manager, you want to be available for others and you yourself reach out as well – and not just by phone. Our job thrives on trust and open doors. You want to hold down the fort." Spontaneous conversations with employees by the printers and in the kitchen are part of the job. "There was rarely anyone there – but no time to feel lonely either."
So, what happens next? "I'm excited to see how BVB works in a normal setting, when there's no pandemic." She laughs. "Who doesn't talk shop at parties? I'm a little more careful in that respect. If I let on who I am the conversation often turns into a spontaneous job interview. BVB is an exciting employer. Almost everywhere. I am from Soest..."